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Building a girl-powered future by preparing adolescent girls for the world of work

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Launch Girls enables adolescent girls to build
the critical professional and life skills necessary for successful futures. We create customized, girl-centered entrepreneurship programming that helps girls develop critical 21st-century professional skills, plans for their futures, and the confidence needed to succeed in life after school.


We believe that girls can lead, create, and drive change, and we are here to unlock that potential.

Mindset shift &
Skill development

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Believe they will reach their future goals

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Believe in themselves

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Feel confident about
making future decisions

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Better able to solve problems and apply critical thinking skills

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Identified a support network to achieve their goals

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Our Girl Boss program was adapted from entrepreneurship classes at the MIT Sloan School of Management. The program is based on research from the World Bank and World Economic Forum that identified critical skills sought after by employers as well as input from girls globally through a 14-country survey of over 500 girls.


The foundation of our programs is our Girl Boss Mindsets and Skills, 10 core entrepreneurial and work-readiness skills, which have been specifically identified to equip adolescent girls to take charge of their futures and successfully transition from school to work.

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Hear our stories

”After completing the Girl Boss Program and going through the money matters section, I realized the importance of a girl being financially independent. That led me to ideate a business that rears chickens to hatch eggs that I sell.”

Pascaline, 15 years


”The [Girl Boss] program gave me an opportunity to explore and learn about myself and immensely improved my skills of being a keen observer and my ability to question things at every stage- all of which have been helpful for my personal and professional life.”

Prashamsa , 21 years


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How we Work

Launch Girls partners with local organizations across Southeast Asia and Africa who are working closely with adolescent girls ages 12-24. We provide partners with comprehensive tools, including curriculum, training, technology, and facilitator's guides to successfully deliver programming and maximize impact.






Launch futures
with us

Hear from our partners

“The Girl Boss program has been a privilege for me. I say that because I get to have a front row seat in how this program has literally changed the lives of the girls that I serve”

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Blessing Bassey-Archibong
Girl Boss Advisor and Partner, Nigeria Reads 


Our Partners

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